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The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) Mourns Passing of Prof. Edward Said

Nachruf auf Edward Said (1935-2003)

Die Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vorderer Orient für gegenwartsbezogene Forschung und Dokumentation (DAVO) trauert um Prof. Edward Said.
Die internationale Orientforschung hat einen überragenden Wissenschaftler verloren. Neben zahlreichen Ehrendoktorwürden und anderen Auszeichnung wurde Prof. Said vor einem Jahr während des Ersten Weltkongresses für Studien zum Vorderen Orient (WOCMES) in Mainz durch den "WOCMES Award for Outstanding Contributions to Middle Eastern Studies" geehrt.
Wir trauern um einen Kollegen, der die gegenwartsbezogene Orientforschung nachhaltig geprägt hat, und wir trauern um einen guten Freund.
Günter Meyer

Washington, DC, Sept. 25 - The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) today expressed its profound sadness at the death of Prof. Edward Said. Said was one of the best-known and respected Arab Americans and a staunch friend and supporter of ADC.

ADC President Mary Rose Oakar said, "Edward Said was a giant figure in the Arab-American community, and for Arabs in the Middle East and across the world. We relied heavily on his wisdom and guidance in our work here at ADC over the years, and counted on his invaluable counsel and support. He is an irreplaceable treasure, and we shall miss him beyond measure. " Former Congresswoman Oakar concluded, "we extend our most heartfelt condolences to his family and friends, and especially to his wonderful wife Miriam who was a member of ADC's Board of Directors for many years. We want them to know that we, the community at large, and millions of people of conscience around the world join them in mourning the passing of a truly great and noble man."

"Prof. Edward Said was University Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University in New York City. He was the past President of the Modern Language Association and one of the most influential literary critics of his generation. His seminal work, "Orientalism," is widely credited with inaugurating the Postcolonial Studies movement in the humanities. Other works, including "The Question of Palestine," "After the Last Sky," "The Politics of Dispossession," "Peace and its Discontents," and his extraordinary memoir, "Out of Place," constitute one of the most sustained and effective efforts to represent the Palestinian experience to the American public.

Said, a multi-talented renaissance man, was also Music Editor for the Nation magazine in the 1990s, and an accomplished pianist. His collections of essays, "The World, the Text, the Critic," and "Reflections on Exile" are among the most influential in contemporary literary scholarship. His 1982 work, "Covering Islam," set the standard for much of the media criticism to follow.

His 1993 Reith Lectures for the BBC, published as "Representations of the Intellectual," explained in detail his vision of the public intellectual as a fiercely independent spirit who confronted both the smugly powerful and the complacent public with difficult truths. Edward Said's life-work was an exercise in this ethos, forever challenging friend and foe alike".

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